What our students says

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

I felt the real exam like experience as the NEET Mock Test Series in CPL as of NTA pattern. Subject-grand tests is another highlight. The rank & college prediction is what impressed me even more, along with my performance analysis card in CPL. Kudos!!!!

- Arjun Sai

The best thing about ‘Compete’ is, it helped me build competing habit within me. It’s real fun to win exciting awards and reward points. I redeemed to unlock a goodie too. Also, I’m able to challenge with my friends.

- Yakshita

It’s not very often we come across such concept. Live NTA based tests and national-wide participation itself is exciting. I gave a best shot in almost all cycles and it’s rewarding that CPL delighted me with fabulous prizes. I strongly recommend for every NEET & JEE aspirants….

- Ishaan

CPL is intended for NEET aspirants to give national level real-time exposure of the examination. I found very useful to test my competition skills and predict my rank and college for upcoming NEET 2019. It’s for everyone who aspires medicine career to become a doctor!!!

- Aakaanksha Reddy

eTutor Compete is very interactive and extremely user-friendly. After I started practicing here, My speed in problem solving has immensely improved. Thank you & cheers!!!

- Eeshwar

Live Mock Test Series for JEE is what I love in Compete’s CPL. National wide participation makes it special, not very often we get to see such premier leagues. Don’t miss it!!!

- Haanish Maalik

Signing up with Compete gave me a privilege to join All India Premier League - CPL season 2018-19. I'm able to take NTA based JEE Main Mock Test Series.

- Gagana

Negative marking was my major concern to clear NEET and Compete really helped me practice the higher accuracy levels. Now I'm really confident enough to face by exam. Kudos!

- Madhu Krishna

The eTutor compete has definitely boosted my performance, i should say. My shortcut techniques were transformed really well. I even referred this amazing platform to my friends.

- Eashan

Topic wise learning sources in Compete helped me find all the crucial information needed for the NEET 2019 exam preparation. Thanks & I recommend it!!!

- Balaaditya

As a parent, I'm able to monitor my son's performance after taking JEE practice tests. We're able to figure out in which chapter he is lacking behind. 5 Stars for Compete...

- Dakshita

Joining Compete allowed me to test my exam readiness for NEET 2019. Instantly the Feedback and Analysis was given, where I was able to figure out my strengths and weaknesses. Thanks TON...

- Nagarjun