Cell : The Unit of Life

Cell envelope; Cell membrane, Cell wall

  • Plasma membrane is thin, elastic, regenerative and selectively permeable in nature which externally covers every living cell.
  • The lipid of plasmamembrane are of three types namely, phospholipids, glycolipids and sterols.
  • Carbohydrate of plasma membrane are coralently linked to both lipid and protein components. (2% - 10%)
  • The most accepted model of the structure of cell membrane was proposed by singer and Nicolson (1972)
  • According to this model, the membrane is quasifluid in nature and made up of a phospholipid bilayer, enables the movement of intrinsic and extrinsic proteins.
  • Lipids are amphipathic, they are structurally asymmetric with polar hydrophilic head and non polar hydrophobic tail.
  • Sugar chains are attached on the outer side of some of the lipids, particularly to this polar heads. So these are known as glycolipids.
  • Bulk transport of plasma membrane includes pinocytosis (cell drinking) and phagocytosis (cell eating).
  • Pinocytasis is bulk intake of fluid, ions and molecules through development of small endocytic resides of 100-200 nm in diameter.
  • Phagocytosis is ingestion of large particles by living cells, eg: WBC (neutrophils, monocytes), kupffer's cells of liver.
  • Functions of cell membrane are, it provides mechanical strength as well as act as protecting layer.
  • Plasma membrane is responsible for the transportation of materials, molecules, ions etc.
  • Diffusion of gases (O2 & CO2) takes place through plasma membrane by simple and facilitated diffusion.
  • Cell wall is the outermost, rigid, protective, non living and supportive layer, present in all plant cell, bacteria, cyanobacteria, and some protists, It is not found in animal cell.
  • In young plant, primary cell wall is capable of growth, which gradually diminishes as the cell matures and the secondary wall is formed on inner (towards membrane) side of the cell.
  • Middle lamella is the outermost region which is found as a common cementing layer between two cells.
  • Plasmodesmata (or) cytoplasmic bridge are present in pits through which the cytoplasm of one cell is in contact with another.
  • Growth of cell wall occurs by intussuception (or) by apposition.
  • Composition of cell wall, in plants - cellulose + Hemicellulose, in fungi - chitin, in bacteria & mycoplasma - peptidoglycan.
  • Plants cell can withstand lot of variations in the surrounding medium as compared to animal cells because of the presence of cell wall.


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